Friday, February 7, 2014

Leasing - a great option

We talked last week about how compressed air is expensive.  Getting a good compressor is a significant investment, and it's important that you avoid the "lowest cost wins the bid" attitude.

Sometimes you just don't have the budget or cash flow for the initial cost of the compressor.  In that case, leasing can be the answer to your problem.

Here are the benefits of leasing:
• Requires less money up front
• Permits soft cost financing
• Preserves bank credit lines
• Offers flexible payment options
• Allows upgrades and add-ons quickly and easily
• Protects against technological obsolescence
• Minimizes balance sheet liabilities

So when you see that Kaeser Compressor you really wanted, but don't have the immediate funds to purchase, consider leasing.

At Air Compressor Works, we work hand-in-hand with Marlin Leasing, and they've done an excellent job for our customers.  Please contact us or them for more information.

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